War Saxaafadeed

War Saxaafadeed

Guddida Qandaraasyada Qaranka Somaliland oo ay wehelinayaan Xubnaha ka mid ah Guddida Heer Qaran ee Gurmadka Suuqa Waaheen, Guddida Farsamo ee Dib-u-dhiska Suuqa Waaheen (Technical Committees) ayaa maanta ku dhawaaqay furitaanka qiimeynta hordhaca ah (prequalification) ee shirkaddaha soo xareystay dhismaha Suuqa Waaheen.

Guddoomiyaha Guddida Qandaraasyada Qaranka ayaa munaasibadda furitaanka ka sheegay in ay soo xaraysteen 55 shirkadood oo isku jira kuwa caalamiya iyo kuwa maxaliya (International and National Companies) kuwaas oo ka soo kala xareystay 10 dal oo dunida ka mid ah.

Qiimeynta hordhaca ah ee shirkadaha soo xareystay ayaa la soo gebogebeyn doonnaa maalinta Khamiista ee bishu tahay August 4, 2022. Waxa la la soo xidhiidhi doonnaa oo Keliya shirkadaha u soo gudba wareega labaad ee qaadashada buugaagta Qiimaha iyo qiimeyntooda (Collection of Bidding Documents).

- Press Release 

The Somaliland National Tender Board confirmed receipt of 55 expressions of interest from 10 different countries for the construction of the Waheen Shopping Center. The National Tender Board officially announces the pre-qualification process of the applications. The pre-qualification of the bidders will be completed on 4th August 2022. Only prequalified contractors will progress to the second stage of the tender process - collecting and completing the main bidding documents.